搜索 Ott

  • Andy French is an aspiring cartoonist who has trouble holding a job or a girlfriend even while he rooms with two other eccentric roommates in an apartment in the Mission Hill area of the city of Cosmopolis. The fact that he has to house his obnoxiously precocious younger brother, Kevin, is no help. However, this quarte…
  • 影片故事情节围绕两位自称为艺术家的Petula Thames以及Tilda Darlings展开,讲述了两人转战纽约追逐梦想,然而却卷入了毒品交易与卖淫活动中。一天晚上,她们不幸丢失了价值8万美元的毒品,损失了毒品的毒枭给她们48小时的时间偿还这笔资金。这两个女孩于是便谋划抢夺她们富有的儿时玩伴Daphne Peters,然而Daphne Peters却已罹患…
  • When her dog is killed in a traffic accident, Tara is forced to cancel her wedding. With a little help from the ghost of her dog, on temporary furlough from Heaven, her small town rallies together to make sure Tara has the wedding of her dreams.
  • Taurus City, The United States of Europe, 2023. Uly, a disillusioned soldier riddled with amnesia, returns home from a war in the Middle East, knowing only that he must desperately comb the city to find his beloved wife, Penelope. Fate fills this endless night with a series of chance meetings. Whether it be the wealthy…
  • 剧情描述一个犹太拉比的儿子一心想成为百老汇明星,唱歌跳舞。此举遭到家长的强烈反对。他们只想让他成为犹太教仪式中的领唱。但是深深热爱爵士乐的儿子一心只想唱流行歌曲……多年后,背井离乡,更名改姓的他终于登上了舞台,在旧金山的夜店酒吧里,他实现了自己的理想,成了一名爵士歌手。第一部有声片,但其中只有很少几段对白,但足以让当年…
  • Bridger Jenkins患有罕见先天心脏病,急需进行心脏移植。他的妈妈Helen独自抚养Bridger,找寻着奇迹。不久后Bridger进行了心脏移植得以继续生活。生命有限,Bridger浪漫的心灵向往着真爱,想在有生之年去看大海。虽家境贫困,Helen竭力让儿子能幸福地生活,可Bridger的继父暴虐成性,母子俩的生活被搅了个底朝天。母子俩带着197美元踏上寻梦…
  • 在好友的除夕晚会上 加里拼命想激发前女友的兴趣 不让朋友们让他难堪 结果却收到了毁灭性的消息
  • A group of friends rent an isolated lake house owned by a fitness obsessed man with mysterious intentions.
  • 比人类更多的人探索人工智能在当今世界的承诺和复杂作用以及这些承诺变成现实的后果。在这部专题片长纪录片中,制片人试图建造一个智能机器人,看看它能否取代他成为电影导演。我们的创造,无限智慧,相互联系,可能自我意识,使人类过时吗?
  • Aspiring actress, Kia Anderson, is about to learn that the final callback for a horror Feature Film is something more than she could ever of imagined - Something sinister is awaiting for Kia.