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  • Brothers Kade and Ben Jaeger have always lived in the shadow of their late fathers criminal empire, but their differences put them on a bloody collision course, and neither will stop until the other is dead.
  • A group of teens are tormented by the Grim Reaper and his pet after undergoing an experiment that allows them to revisit the dead.
  • based on true events. Aesha goes to an isolated b&b in Kent after her mom books her in so she can get some head space for her studies. In the night Aesha is visited by a nun at the door who will progressively begin to show her true colours as the night unfolds - As the nun continues to bother Aesha at the door, Aesha b…
  • Olly is a gay teen with disability who discovers that his two straight best friends are dating each other. Frustrated by his body, he chooses to undertake a pioneering medical procedure: a transplant that puts his mind into the body of a beautiful young able-bodied woman. When his friends see through the beautiful, blo…
  • BacktotheSecretGardenisagreatfamilyfantasyfilm.Madeinsequeltotheoriginalfilm"TheSecretGarden."Ithassomeoftheoriginalcharacters,LadyMaryamongstotherfavourites...
  • 在加勒比海一个岛上,一个欢天喜地的嘉年华会正在展开,怎料两名久违了的友人却岛上相遇,他们分别是前任船长韦高连与前中情局特务吉上勋。过往的经历使两人陷于生死存亡之间,而友谊亦受到严峻考验。
  • Hulu的恐怖诗选剧《怪兽乐园 Monsterland》改编自Nathan Ballingrud短篇集《North American Lake Monsters: Stories》,剧集角色包括一些奇幻生物,例如堕落天使﹑狼人等,他们为求扭转自己的生活而绝望地采取一些行为,从而表达出人类与「他们」的差异其实并不大。
  • 一个郊区的公墓在光天化日之下发生了多起谋杀案。大多数受害者是俄罗斯移民,他们的亲朋好友拒绝配合杰克·里德(丹尼)的调查。在追查案件的过程中,里德了解到,这个神秘事件的中心人物是一个好战的俄罗斯人,他正在组织他的几个移民同胞加入自己的军队。同时,里德还必须与具有影响力的市长候选人戈登·托马斯(乔·莫顿)竞争。托马斯的手下…
  • 汉普湾的观光旺季即将来临,风帆大赛也将展开,不过却发生了鲨鱼事件。方富商及主办人山姆路易斯执意不延后比赛及关闭海滩,以为能用鲨鱼网阻止任何鲨鱼进入,不料这条食人巨鲨是经过海军训的杀人机器,不但闯进赛,肆恣猎杀选手们,之后更杀死所有追捕它的人。海洋学家比利和索伦家人要如何对付这可怕的怪物呢?
  • A widowed farmer begins a new life on her own terms by fighting against corruption and injustice in her community.