搜索 Nse

  • About a pompous, aging alcoholic and a tourettes-inflicted ten-year-old boy who are forced to spend a week together at a high-end hotel. The only thing these two have in common is that they are both difficult to like. The hotel serves as their shared escape from the outside world and the problems it presents.
  • 《我的黑历史误答笔记》是在2017年第叁十届「KBS TV Drama 独幕剧募集」上获得最佳剧本的作品,剧情描写成为高考出题委员,并住进合宿的数学教授陶度惠 (全昭旻 饰),ysgou.cc与过去为自己创造一段黑历史的两名男人相遇后,所发生一连串的故事。
  • 居住在伦敦的罗马尼亚女子Ana在光天化日之下被人从街上绑走,她被当成货物贩卖到爱尔兰,被迫在一家妓院卖身后,她陷入了残忍黑暗的性奴隶制度世界难以逃脱…… 本剧根据真实事件改编,惊悚压抑,发人深省,旨在揭露这种现代奴隶制度在难以监管的现状下是如何隐藏在朗朗乾坤之中的。
  • 电影是在寒冷的冬天拍摄的,讲述了一对兄弟之间的故事,他们的常规、习惯、仪式,以及他们和另一个家庭之间爆发的暴力冲突。这是一个缺爱的故事,所以影片关注了弟弟埃米尔,以及他被爱和被需要的渴望。《凛冬兄弟》是一种强烈而富有表现力的视觉和听觉体验。这部电影是林尔·帕尔梅森作为导演和编剧的处女作。 本片曾获2018年昂热总理计划获得…
  • A D-Day rescue mission turns ugly when a band of Allied soldiers battle with horrific experiments created by the Nazis.
  • 1985年DEA探员“Kiki” Camarena的卧底身份暴露后被残忍杀害,该纪录片讲述这一案件的始末。(via 英美剧漫游指南)
  • 即使Boss永远刷不过、即使对战永远打不赢、即使SSR永远抽不到、即使组队永远组翻车、即使是倒霉的人生,也总会遇到一起努(dao)力(mei)的伙伴。这里,是那个阴阳师晴明和他手下式神们的奋斗剧!
  • Eager to escape the grief and nightmares of the city, Louis Olsen travels to Southwest Minnesota, seeking the peace of the rural countryside. When he accidentally disturbs the grave of a supposed local witch Mary Jane Terlinden, what began as a peaceful reprieve unravels into a haunting nightmare from which Louis canno…
  • 100 years ago, the sisters Yod and Yard were the wives of Phra Wanathep. Yard was a loyal servant to madam Kamlai, his main wife. But Khun Thep asked Yod to help him get her sister and he would reward her. So Yod knocked her out and Wanathep raped her. Later, Yod tricks Yard into giving poison to Kamlai, to get rid of …
  • 一个在自己家里的囚犯,一个在自己身体里的囚犯。被袭击并被困,没有人听到她的呼救声… 知道如果他们相信了,也没有人会相信她。当阿莱娜搬到她母亲去世的那所房子时,她发现自己面临着可怕的现实。起初,她以为是失去了母亲萦绕在她的|,但她很快表明,这是远远更恶毒和无情的东西。当灵魂完全侵入她的身体、头脑和灵魂时,她受到了嘲弄困住她…