Billy Corbens true-crime dramedy investigates the MLBs infamous doping scandal involving a nefarious clinician and his most famous client: the New York Yankees Alex Rodriguez.
弗瑞德(卢克帕斯夸尼洛 Luke Pasqualino 饰)高中开学第一天偶遇托尼的妹妹艾菲(卡雅斯考达里奥 Kaya Scodelario 饰),两人一见钟情。可因为一个叛逆的赌约,他的死党库克(杰克奥康奈尔 Jack OConnell 饰)和艾菲发生了关系。三人阴错阳差卷入一段纠结的三角选择关系。凯蒂(梅根普雷斯科特 Megan Prescott 饰)和艾米莉(…
At the risk of her groups safety, a young woman travels into a National Forest where her sister has become trapped in a multi-dimensional world of monsters.