- 八国联军入京,朝廷出奔,举国局势一度混乱。黄飞鸿与父亲黄麒英、十四姨、徒弟梁宽、鬼脚七一行人南下番禹,欲与十三姨、猪肉荣、牙擦苏汇合。师徒于路同担心海盗夺粮的南粤米仓发生误会,两帮人不打不相识,黄飞鸿助其将盗米贼扭送衙门,惊觉盗米竟是差役领班谢四指使。原来南海海盗趁局势混乱,活动频繁,使番禹一地早无官员统制,差役不得已…
- In the bleak filmscape of glasnost, The Needle stood out as a black sheep of a movie. The most playful and offbeat of the Soviet films of the period, it contrasted sharply to the mainstream, which was overwhelmed with revisionism of the Stalinist past and nihilistic social criticism.Made in 1988 by a young Kazakh direc…