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  • 2019 年 2 月 3 日,第三十五届圣丹斯国际电影节公布得奖名单,纪录片《独生国度》(One Child Nation)获得美国纪录片类 评审团大奖。 国际参展的纪录片《独生子女国度》由导演王男栿和LYNN ZHANG联合执导,聚焦了有争议的中国的计划生育政策与弃婴的话题。影片从导演王男栿自身的故事开始,探究了计划生育政策的本质,以及在实施过程中造成的…
  • 本片榮獲2019年柏林影展泰迪熊最佳劇情長片。一位跨性別女性Tania,平日在布宜諾艾利斯的舞廳裡以表演為生;夜貓子Pedro,也是一名Voguing舞者;女服務生Daniela正因和男友分手而陷入失戀的憂鬱中;三個人因為Tania祖母去世而踏上了這段奇幻旅程:他們決定將陪伴祖母的外星人送回它原本被發現的地方,但任務並不輕鬆,其濃烈的懸疑元素也將引入…
  • The documentary tells the untold story of John Lennons iconic Imagine album. Its also a story about Yoko meeting John and East meeting West. Two artistic minds connecting and inspiring each other both personally and professionally, ultimately co-authoring a radical worldview. Director Michael Epstein gained access to t…
  • 医药界的纯白光环下,看似平凡无奇的行销活动,竟暗藏着不可告人的运作模式,谁是最大获利者?  药局为赚取蝇头小利,鼓励消费者回收药品并给予奖励;药厂业务员处处碰壁,想不透原因,即将饭碗不保;医院采购挪用货款投资股票,不停加码;中盘为抢攻市占率,不惜削价竞争;医师娘为了离婚官司而忧郁失眠,在夜店认识中盘商,发现中他可以帮她…
  • A man and woman wake to find themselves tied and gagged in the trunk of a pick-up truck and it soon becomes clear that they have been kidnapped and taken as hostages. Their two kidnappers have their own agenda, and its not a pleasant one.
  • Malaal is the story of Shiva and Astha, two very different people from contrasting backgrounds who experience the innocence of love. Does their love find its destination qiwan.cc or do they part ways? Stay on this journey to find out.
  • XLrator传媒将联手贝纳塔/托马斯影业开发,由杰西·古斯塔夫森执导、凯姆·吉甘戴领衔主演的动作惊悚片《基地》(The base,暂译)。吉甘戴将饰演一个名为12恶人军事犯人团体领袖,他们全都是为了抵御恐怖袭击,使用黑客网站隐藏无人机的下落而被关押。
  •  A nurse finds herself in a dark and mysterious world.