- 故事讲述两派来到地球后,因为发生了一些“事件”,导致双方外形大变(也解释了两系列风格不同的原因)。也由于这些“事件”,变形金刚要隐藏于人类社会之中。如何去平衡一切关系是擎天柱作为领袖将要面临的考验,本作品的标题也由此而来。值得一提的是,本次两派领袖擎天柱和威震天的配音者是久违的梦幻组合:来自初代动画的PeterCullen和F…
- Spring of the 1985th. On instructions from the GRU, scout Yuri Nikitin enters the Pakistan fortress of Badaber. Nikitin must collect evidence of the existence here of a training center for Mujahideen under the leadership of the CIA. After fulfilling a dangerous task, Nikitin sees on the territory of the fortress a grou…
- 处在贝茨先生(布兰登?柯伊尔 Brendan Coyle 饰)受审一事阴霾中的唐顿庄园迎来了1919年的圣诞节。战争虽已过去,但影响仍在持续。房屋能被装饰一新,但唐顿人的心情却仍无法放晴。大小姐玛丽(米歇尔?道克瑞 Michelle Dockery 饰)觉得和理查德的婚姻不会幸福,但仍然决定继续;马修(丹?史蒂文斯 Dan Stevens 饰)仍对拉维尼娅的死…
- based on a script by Bornedal, Shadows in My Eyes (Skyggen i mit ?je) will focus on the bombing of the Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen in 1945, one of the most tragic events in Denmark during WW2, when the Royal Air Force mistakenly bombed the French School in Copenhagen, killing several children and nuns.