搜索 Kristi

  • An international group of film students finds a disturbing video clip on the dark web which seems to contain poltergeist phenomena. Agreed that its just what they need for their latest documentary project the group travels to the sanatorium shown in the video clip. Once there, they rig up their camera equipment and sta…
  • 影片改编自贾斯汀·托雷斯小说,故事讲述父母间不稳定的爱让家庭破裂,留下三个孩子曼尼、乔尔和约拿任其谋生。在父母互相攻击的影响下,曼尼、乔尔最终变得愈加强硬,成长为新版父亲。最年轻的约拿越来越意识到自己需要逃离这一切,在被逼到边缘后,他拥抱了一个想象中的世界。
  • Brett Blackmore is a high school senior whose exemplary GPA and college resume hides the fact that hes unintentionally sold his childhood for a future hes not even sure he wants. When his high-school senior prank goes wrong, his life crumbles before his eyes. In frustration he launches the F**k-It List - of all the thi…
  • 迈克尔从前认为祖先是苏德战场上投降自杀的叛徒,但是机缘巧合之下发现了时间之门,在当穿越回去之后,发现祖先全是英勇的战士,而非懦夫。他经历了死亡,战争等以前无法想象的场景,也找到了自己一生唯一的挚爱。
  • 一名年轻女子从停尸房里醒来后拥有了难以解释的力量,并在一场正邪大战中被俘。本剧由漫画小说改编。
  • 一个是追求自由,无拘无束的男生,一个是怀揣梦想,初涉职场的女生。因为一场意外而相识相恋:与社会青年的斗智斗勇,别具一格的街头风演唱会,精心准备的生日宴会......而这所有如梦般地美好却被女生不小心戳破,看到了这些浮华背后的残酷现实。两人会如何面对这场不该开始的感情?男生是否能完成这场自我救赎?且听风吟。
  • Netflix meijubar.net推出的芬兰剧,一位才华洋溢的干探为了能够有更多时间陪伴家人而选择留在小镇工作,然而,他却不其然被卷入一连串令人困扰的谋杀案。
  • 智商超群不一定是好事,少年维特(6岁,Fabrizio Borsani 饰;12岁,Teo Gheorghiu 饰)深深体会了这一点。维特天生拥有成为任何一个行业的伟人的潜能,父母总希望他能成为伟大的钢琴家,然而他自己却不知道未来该干什么好。在父母的压力下维特总是郁郁寡欢。幸好还有理解他的爷爷,爷爷和维特一样,充满野心,自小想当一名飞行员,可是最后却当…
  • 因为一次意外创伤,盖艾乐失去了知觉。当她为了一次科研会准备视频演示时,她看到自己出现在一部影片里,并且惊讶于找回了压抑已久的感觉。她决定尝试一次实验……
  • Mariana develops a paranoid disorder after witnessing the murder of two people. She now decides to take care of the victims’ little girl. In a race against time, Mariana has to protect her and herself from the assassins, overcome fears.