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  • 《周刊少年Magazine》上连载的热门漫画《网球优等生》真人电视剧化。本剧描写的是一名严谨认真的高中生丸尾荣一郎在高中入学之际被网球的魅力所吸引,奋斗成长为网球选手的故事。以密切的取材为基础,充分展现了现实中的技术、战术以及锻炼理论也是本剧的看点之一。
  • When a famous YouAllsTuber, Jehan "Kaki Prank" is left without any crew to work with, he decides to turn an advanced android companion-bot named AI.5YA into his 'one-woman film crew'.
  • After his parents mysteriously disappeared eight years ago, young Eric Dalaras embarks on a search for the truth and enters a frightening world. He and his sister Uma grew up with their maternal grandparents. Eric decides to leave his homeland to return to the place of his childhood, Cabo Qwert, where he wants to look …
  • 已完成拍摄却惨遭华纳遗弃的《说出你的秘密 Tell Me Your Secret》由Amazon接手,2021年播出。  这部女性主导的10集心理惊悚剧由Harriet Warner执笔。剧集围绕三名角色展开,每个人都有着神秘而不安的过往。Lily Rabe饰演Emma,曾直视过某个危险杀手,她刚刚坐了三年牢被释放,有一个作为保护的新身份,想忘记与杀手纠缠的过去;Hamish…
  • The long-running culinary hit returns with a season that’s all about the pizza pie. From Portland to Phoenix, Italy to Japan, go inside the kitchens of chefs whose creativity elevates this ordinary dish to an art form via their unique flav…
  • 入间道夫(竹野内丰饰)是一个为了绝不制造冤案,亲自进行现场验证,查明事件真相的不守常规的刑事法官。虽然与稳重的法官形象相去甚远,但他有着自由的观察眼光和彻底调查的探究心,完全不受约束、偏见和成见的束缚,是律师和检察官都惧怕的怪人。另一方面,对于每个人经常负责250件左右案件的刑事法官来说,迅速有效地处理案件也是一大使命。…
  • 《不能犯》改编自宫月新原著、神崎裕也作画的同名漫画,里面的主人公“电话亭之男”(松坂桃李)是一名类似于《死亡笔记》中夜神月的暗黑英雄,专杀那些本身有罪但没有受到法律惩戒的人。</p>
  • Season 3 follows the fortunes of a young U-boat crew as they engage in the Battle of the Atlantic, are hunted down by an obsessed Royal Navy Commander (Ray Stevenson) and are sent on a dangerous mission to the Southern Hemisphere. Together they form strong personal alliances under the command of Robert Ehrenberg (Franz…
  • 东京都内发生一起连环爆炸事故,警视厅搜查一课林田虎之助(水岛宏 饰)与上司丹原朋实(香川照之 饰)在现场逮捕了疑似嫌疑人的古怪男子九十九龙介(木村拓哉 饰)。警视厅内,龙介却利用缜密的推理能力很快揪出了真正的犯人,令两人惊诧不已。原来龙介竟是科学警察研究所(IPS)脑科学部的新主任。五年前还在夜店工作的他因一次意外右脑变得异…
  • 2017年に初演された同名舞台を映画化した本作。親友を亡くした引っ込み思案の女子高生?穴森一穂が1通の手紙を受け取り、謎の転校生が待つ夜の校舎へと向かうさまが描かれる。