- Set at the start of Covid, Family Portrait follows a family on an idle but hectic morning when they have planned a group picture. When the mother vanishes and one daughter becomes desperate to find her and gather her sprawling family, the film progressively descends into a realm where time and space lose their grip, tr…
- 弱井幸之助在新宿市中心的一条后巷经营一家小型精神病诊所。通过仔细聆听患者的心声、耐心面对患者的症状,弱井医生诊断出其他医生未能识别的疾病,给患者带来了希望。第一次在精神科工作的护士雨宫由里,通过不断观察弱井的工作,对精神科治疗愈发着迷。然而,雨宫并不知道弱井也有着悲惨的过去——
- 该剧改编自1996年,一对兄弟杀害亲生父母何西·梅内德斯与凯蒂·梅内德斯的真实罪案。检方指控他们觊觎庞大家族财富,兄弟俩却声称他们受尽父母身心虐待与性侵,出于恐惧才会犯下滔天大罪,他们仍在服无期徒刑,终身不得假释,时至今日仍坚持当初的证词。
- In the backwoods of Ontario lies a town called Kinmount. This little hamlet of only a few hundred residents no longer has a gas station or a school; however, thanks to the singular vision of local septuagenarian Keith Stata, what it does boast is a five-screen cinema palace and memorabilia museum—one that welcomes upwa…