搜索 Joh

  • They’re back! The Warner brothers, Yakko and Wakko, and the Warner sister Dot, have a great time wreaking havoc and mayhem in the lives of everyone they meet. After returning to their beloved home, the Warner Bros. water tower, the sibling…
  • 六個兄弟姊妹暑假到鄉下度假,卻不小心走丟了他們的西施犬亞歷克斯,循線追查下,卻不小心發現是經營違法狗場販賣的犯罪集團所為。當發現惡棍的藏身之處時,孩子們制定了一項計劃,不只要救出愛狗,也要營救其他三十隻一同被綁架的西施犬。
  • 麥道是一個自私而富有的老爺,他在大別墅裡獨自過著令人羨慕的退休日子,以收集高檔汽車和看模特兒走秀為樂。雖然有三個女兒,但卻從來不與他們相處在一起,直到有天繼承了六個孫子時,他曾引以為傲的獨居生活瞬間瓦解。但他也學到最寶貴的一課,家人永遠是生活的第一順位。
  • 911接線員艾莉絲是個生活孤單的年輕女性;某天,她居然收到一份詭異的快遞:一副棺材!驚嚇之餘、不得已只能將棺材暫放客廳的艾莉絲,為了找出寄送者的身分,展開一場怪誕旅程。送棺材給她的,究竟是鬼屋主人、殯葬業者,還是與她分分合合的前男友賽斯?這一切背後又有什麼離奇動機呢?
  • 一位逃离婚姻,一位是部落首领继承人,如此身份不同的二人相遇了。他们之间会发生怎样的故事呢?
  • 一位逃离婚姻,一位是部落首领继承人,如此身份不同的二人相遇了。他们之间会发生怎样的故事呢?
  • A Tinder date gone astray leaves famous fitness selfie queen, Barbi, lost in the wilderness trying to survive despite Homeland Security, alien death rays and zero cell service.
  • In upscale Opulent, Arizona, Jason Miller, mid-20s, a spoiled rich kid still living off daddys money, and his wrong-side-of-the-tracks friend, Rick Brooks, raised in poverty, naively choose the wrong path to riches. Their fast-cash plan crashes them into a brick wall when they unwittingly cross into the territory of th…
  • 一場悲劇使潔米的父母離婚成為即將到來的現實,潔米將過錯攬在自己身上。這部讓人們在堅困的奮鬥中誠實地看待家庭和青少年的生活,最後每個人都在尋找希望,潔米似乎在尋找她遺失的上帝希望,同時她父母的憤怒和功能失調也在潰堤。每個人都必須決定是否在上帝的幫助中找到希望,或者在憤怒的叛亂中轉身離去…
  • Aprilyn who is left by his groom on the day of their wedding becomes viral online. Devastated, she meets Raffy who works at a PR agency hired by the father of the groom who will help her move on.