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  • 改编自2015年热门法剧《传奇办公室》,设定在一个超越日常间谍活动、充满更深层次阴谋和诡计的世界,角色们在努力应对国家和世界的生存威胁时,同时进行自我的斗争。
  • 被分配到刑事调查部门的菜鸟警官上尉·图尔第一次实地部署时,意外地遇到了法医科学研究所的医生切尔兰博士。他们不同的工作态度在他们之间造成了相当大的差距,很难找到共同点。在反映社会问题的犯罪现场中,Tul侦探还与来自有利于有影响力的团体的工作系统的压力作斗争。她穿越了干扰旨在保护盟友和可能影响案件结果的社会潮流。至少Tul的正直…
  •   A famous vlogger commits suicide after her content is based online. When she is about to kill herself, a man is quick enough to save her.
  • 阿尔玛独自居住在一栋宽敞的联排别墅里,米娜则是一位来自另外一座城市廉租房的单亲妈妈。这两位女性的生活都围绕着探监而展开。她们的伴侣分别因不同原因被关押在同一所监狱。一次在探监室外的休息区,阿尔玛和米娜偶然相遇,一段意想不到的友谊就此开始……
  • 法提赫出生并成长于土耳其沿海城市伊兹密尔,这座城市和他一样,性格沉稳。而库姆鲁则是一位雄心勃勃、事业有成的年轻律师,在喧嚣的伊斯坦布尔长大。随着事件的展开,库姆鲁发现自己身处伊兹密尔,正在处理一桩备受瞩目的离婚案,这桩案子将决定她的职业生涯成败,而她也突然与法提赫相遇。随着离婚案的升温,这两个性格迥异的人只有 8 个小时…
  •   In the gripping psychological thriller "Bibi," a grieving woman, consumed by her own demons, must confront a relentless stalker who blurs the boundaries between nightmare and reality, forcing her to question her sanity.
  • Leila George stars, alongside her mother Greta Scacchi, as a young woman so determined to save her drug-addicted brother that she locks him in a room to get clean.
  • A political thriller.  The film tells the story of an MEP who is shocked by the mystery-shrouded dismissal of the European Health Commissioner and who subsequently throws himself into a full-blown counter-inquiry from the corridors of Parl…
  •   帕布罗和他十几岁的妹妹阿波琳从小一起玩《暗夜》,这是一款在线英雄幻想电子游戏。《暗夜》宣布其宇宙即将消失,而帕布罗与一个叫“夜”的男人的关系也变得越来越重要,这不仅仅是因为他们一起制作和贩卖派对毒品。这部半惊悚半浪漫的电影介于数字身体和欲望身体之间,讲述了童年纯真的丧失。
  • A female student named Ainun, who admires the figure of Abah Mulya, the owner of the Padepokan in Bumi Suwung village who is famous for his supernatural powers in curing various diseases. One day, surprising news came. Abah Mulya was found dead, which made Ainun sad. However, the fact that surprised him more was the fa…