- The film explores the life, philosophy and impact of one of the most influential early 20th century modernists, Marcel Duchamp. The film breaks down Duchamps ideas and applies them to both historical events and the modernist explosion that blanketed the early 20th century. Art of the Possible isnt simply a biopic; rath…
- 热爱摇滚乐,一心想赢得大赛的阿比阿弟不小心被另一对长得一模一样的阿比阿弟机器推冥界。在他们大闹阴曹地府、畅游天堂之后还拖着死神回到阳世,拯救女友的性命···节奏强烈的热门歌曲、地狱游历的惊险怪谭,还有一对胡搞蛮缠的活宝兄弟,就已经使「阿」片够新鲜热闹了,再加上导演创新的拍摄手法,许多趣味的桥段串连,使本片不论在视觉效果…
- In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of fake news in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses on several high-profile made-up news stories in recent years with real world conse…