- 歷經十年拍攝,本片記錄大衛梅曼幾乎不可能完成的任務—以世界上第一個噴氣背包繞著自由女神像飛行。他自幼對噴氣背包的熱情,轉而成為痴迷、成癮。即使過程中差點溺斃、與孩子們逐漸疏遠、甚至因為受傷做了皮膚移植手術,最後仍然達成目標將噴氣背包做為救援工具,一了心願。
- In upscale Opulent, Arizona, Jason Miller, mid-20s, a spoiled rich kid still living off daddys money, and his wrong-side-of-the-tracks friend, Rick Brooks, raised in poverty, naively choose the wrong path to riches. Their fast-cash plan crashes them into a brick wall when they unwittingly cross into the territory of th…
- Live Broadway cast production of Heidi Schrecks play presenting multiple facets, historical perspectives and personal experiences with the U.S. Constitution.