搜索 Iam

  • Shingo & the boys (Nick & Ruben) are blackmailed into helping Rawlins infiltrate an underground shootfighting ring in an attempt......
  • Leigh VanVoreen had to escape from Farthinggale Manor and the secrets she harbored. She fell into the arms of Luke Casteel, whose devotion promised her hope. Only Luke knew her deepest secret. Bravely she bore the local folks suspicions as she grasped for the happiness that had long eluded her, awaiting the birth of he…
  • Following the murder of her family at the hands of her father in the wake of World War I, a young woman is sent to live in a convent. However, her demons follow and manifest themselves in ways which bring the nightmares of her past with her.
  • 佐伊(赞达亚Zendaya饰)是一个平凡的青春期少女,成长在一个破碎的家庭之中。母亲在离婚后终于找到了人生的第二春,但佐伊却对自己的继父非常的不满。生活中非常孤独的佐伊只能将精力都发泄在手机之中,一次误打误撞下,佐伊在手机上安装了一个神秘的应用,很快,佐伊就发现,只要打开这个应用,任何男人都会无条件听从她所发出的指令。得到了…
  • Two brothers Carmelo and Gino (Girgenti and Webber) are raised by their mob boss grandfather Salvatore Gianni (Williams). Through a series of events Salvatore is killed and the boys then go on a journey to find the killers. One of the brothers is actually the killer... How will the truth unfold?
  • 在古代,有七个神圣的卷轴被认为是给那些拥有它们的人授予权力和繁荣。有人预言说,一个在纯血统的孩子出生的人会有一天的利用权力和统治的国家。当人们为了要求这些卷轴,欧洲被推到了战争的边缘。为了维护和平,一个凯尔特人的国王,一个纯洁的血孩子的父亲,得到了卷轴,并给了基督教会的安全保管。作为国王的行动的消息传开,军阀地狱寻找卷…
  • 当一群凶残的喷火飞龙侵犯英国的土地时,正在学校的小魔术师梅林必须亲身来阻止这些飞龙。
  • 驻守沙漠军人里昂,惊闻兄长被人陷害烧伤,激愤之余,决定回美见亲兄最后一面。岂料到达后,噩号传来,为暗助兄嫂还清医院欠账,里昂毅然参与连场血腥血雨的地下拳赛,战战惊心。
  • 洛城警署探员山姆,在一次绑架案中因怀疑市长女儿涉案而被迫暂时离职,使得原本拮据的生活更是雪上加霜,通过上级介绍,他参加了拍攝真实情境的冒险节目“寻宝周记”,获胜者可获得一千万元奖金,为了提高收视率,节目中还穿插前美国海军海豹小组狙击参赛者的桥段,结果這些狙击手用的不是漆弹,而是真枪,加上突然来袭的飓风,将席卷太平洋上的…
  • 一个年轻的百万富翁每天游走在一个又一个的面试场之中,每次的面试都被他以拒绝工作机会为结局,直到他有一个一家小工厂拒绝了他的面试,他看到了一个崭新的世界……