搜索 Ho

  • A young detective is torn apart after his wife ends up in a coma while hunting a serial-killer at the same time
  • “福分”是一个神奇的故事,向我们提出了挑战性的问题,在今天这个疯狂的世界,我们的优先权何在?一个成功的城市商人,彼得,因为失去了重要的东西而突然跌入低谷。他来到一个孤立偏远的岛屿上寻求安慰。小女孩夏洛特的到来,使彼得产生了很大变化。
  • At the risk of her groups safety, a young woman travels into a National Forest where her sister has become trapped in a multi-dimensional world of monsters.
  • 里克博斯坎普,一个书呆子会计的儿子,在生活中只想要一件事:不再被欺负。受黑手党电影的启发,他想出了一个计划。他将确保他们搬家,并确保他爸爸在他们的新村子里成为臭名昭著的黑手党老大保罗博斯坎比。
  • A look at the life and career of Chelsea Manning, a trans woman soldier in the United States Army, who was sentenced to serve 35 years at an all-male military prison for leaking information about the countrys wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • A selfish filmmaker fails at creating the cutting edge freedom of speech documentary he had envisioned and inadvertently unleashes holy hell from a 500 pound comedian on the verge of a nervous breakdown. A big fat dose of nightmare fuel for the politically correct!
  • Only a crazy oligarch could think of building a lavish Florence-style palace on a central bridge in the heart of Vienna. But his interpreter Nadia together with her best friend and her nanny have a just as crazy sabotage plan. Who will succeed?
  • 一个小镇克里姆发现了一个中国古代的时间旅行装置,可以帮助他完成抢劫并开始新的生活,但他可能无法在篡改时间的后果中幸存下来。《城堡遇环》,《超级时空》是一部集科幻、犯罪惊悚片和喜剧元素于一身的高与低的研究,以期制作出一部带有时间扭曲的喜剧抢劫片。
  • 米格倫一直被視為繼承荷蘭大師的天才畫家。一次偶然,他遇見女星尤蘭卡,深深為她著迷,但她卻是赫赫知名藝評家布雷迪斯的妻子。米格倫不顧外界看法邀她作畫,濃情愛意躍然於畫布上,從此樹立了一個足以摧毀自己職場的敵人。妒火中燒的布雷迪斯,為報復米格倫,公開詆毀他的畫作。米格倫事業遭受打擊,人生頓時跌落了谷底…。   名聲重創的米…
  •  70年代的哥伦比亚,青年拉帕耶爱上氏族中美艳动人的少女赛妲,但女方家长却要求价值惊人的嫁妆试图刁难。顽强的拉帕耶不愿放弃心爱的人,决定铤而走险,干起大麻生意。贩毒事业一帆风顺,鲜血腥味却伴随庞大财富而来,拉帕耶一步步扎根建立威信,然而亲友背叛、传统覆灭,他的世界也逐步瓦解??。   十年酝酿构思,章节分段叙事,《梦游亚马…