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  • 巴西导演Luiz Fernando Carvalho的故事片处女作,171分钟的长片。情节和主题意味深重:通过一个离家出走的年轻男孩子,讲述了巴西乡间,一个虔诚的基督教家庭的悲剧。这家庭,太充满爱意,太圣洁,太有序、太美好了,连镜头都沉于安稳之中,流动于井然安详的条理,静穆在神圣的威严之下。而那欲望、那热情,太炽烈,太狂放、太撕心裂肺,它暴露…
  • 贝蒂(碧翠斯·黛尔 Béatrice Dall饰)是一个性格自由而极端的女子。她受不得约束,忍受不得心爱的人被别人欺骗和侮辱,才华受不到重视。当桑格(让·雨果·安格拉德 Jean-Hugues Anglade饰)收容下她以后,她的这些个性如此锋利,让人喘不过气。她跟桑格疯狂的做爱,她近乎疯狂的追求完美主义的爱情。当她发现桑格是个天才的作家时,毅然把他…
  • 维戈是一个热衷于鹅小子VR游戏的普通男孩,直到有一天一只会说话的鹅掉落在他家阳台上,一人一鹅开始踏上冒险之旅。
  • HBO预订了6集新限定剧《白莲花》(TheWhiteLotus,暂译),并公布了卡司名单,熟脸很多,包括穆雷·巴特利特(《寻》),康妮·布里登(《美国恐怖故事》),詹妮佛·库里奇(《破产姐妹》),亚历珊德拉·达达里奥,弗莱德·赫钦格([八年级]),杰克·莱西(《失恋排行榜》),布莱特妮·奥格拉迪(《小声音》),娜塔莎·罗斯韦尔([爱你,西蒙]),西德妮·斯威尼(…
  • It’s winter in a small southern Norwegian town in the late nineteenth century. After years of struggling, Dr. Thomas Stockmann and his family – his wife Catherine, their young adult daughter Petra, and their two adolescent sons Ejlif and M…
  • Christina住在哥本哈根的城郊。她和同班同学Cecilie、Trine和Pernille一起翘课,经常在周末到处逛、酗酒、吸毒和滥交。但是,当Cecile的男朋友Shaid对她表示好感时,她的整个生活开始发生翻天覆地的变化。她与Christina和其他女伴反目成仇。很快,事情变得一发不可收拾……
  • A psychological horror delving into ones person soul. Camille has been traumatized since her parents disappeared when she was young. Now, 20 years later, conditions are ripe for a deja vu. Or is it?
  • based on real events, the drama is told in two time frames and follows the events that led up to the murder and the drama of the trial. Ray (Barratt) and his 23-year-old brother Nathan (Tarpey) are arrested after stabbing their mother’s partner. Whatever the circumstances that have led a child to kill, the law is clear…
  • Knives and Skin is a mystical teen noir that follows a young girls disappearance in the rural Midwest and its effect on teens and parents.
  • “破浪而出"的丹麦导演拉尔斯.冯.特里厄扬名国际影坛的代表作,曾获坎城影展评审团大奖及高等技术委员会奖。 男主角是德裔美藉青年凯斯勒,在第二次世界大战后回到从未涉足的祖国。他原是一个和平主义和理想主义者,希望以中立的态度来看待战后的欧洲人民。不料叔叔安排凯斯勒在一列火车上当列车长,使他有机会深入欧洲各地,聆听各种不…