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  • 这部纪录片聚焦King Gnu 乐队的领队常田大希,讲述他如何与自己的音乐团队“THE MILLENNIUM PARADE”一起,创作融合不同曲风的歌曲《2992》。
  • 65-year-old Ganeshan has completely lost the zest for life after his wife's passing. But the news of his 7-year-old grandson Aadith's visit to India gives him a new lease of life. When all attempts to bond with the superhero fanatic Aadith fail, Ganeshan and his retired friends join in the madness of pretending to be a…
  • 这部电影围绕两条线索展开。一条线索讲述了一位有抱负的导演向一位受欢迎的女演员帕德马瓦蒂讲述了一个有趣的剧本,他计划与帕德马瓦蒂一起拍一部电影。另外一条线索围绕着文基、克什瓦和哈里这三位对学习不感兴趣的朋友展开。他们碰巧与阿拉梅尔相识并建立了友谊。  阿拉梅尔作为大学校长的女儿,她无法接受父亲有原则的生活方式。她想办法远…
  • It's the Jonas Brothers like you've never seen them before - getting a roasting they'll never forget.
  • 博世:遗产跟随哈利博世,一个退休的凶杀案侦探变成私家侦探,因为他开始了他职业生涯的下一章;律师蜂蜜“钱”钱德勒,谁在谋杀未遂后努力维持她对司法系统的信心;和麦迪博世,因为她发现的可能性和挑战是一个菜鸟巡逻警察在洛杉矶的街道。在第二季中,博斯和钱德勒一起寻找一个可能会先找到他们的杀手。由于被一名蒙面袭击者绑架,麦迪·博斯的…
  • 影片剧情围绕X战警中最受欢迎成员之一的琴·葛蕾展开,讲述她逐渐转化为黑凤凰的故事。在一次危及生命的太空营救行动中,琴被神秘的宇宙力量击中,成为最强大的变种人。此后琴·葛蕾不仅要设法掌控日益增长、极不稳定的力量,更要与自己内心的恶魔抗争,她的失控让整个X战警大家庭分崩离析,也让整个星球陷入毁灭的威胁之中。《X战警:黑凤凰》…
  • Madagascar, au tournant des années 1960 et des années 1970. Sur une base aérienne de l’armée fran?aise, les militaires vivent les dernières années insouciantes di colonialisme. Influencé par ses lectures de Fant?mette, Thomas, un enfant…
  • 一种未知疾病的流行给Phanom Nakha的儿童带来了奇怪的蛇形鳞片,这促使enedict博士研究这一现象。亚思雅,一个医学插画师,被选中来帮助他。一路上,两人遇到了Phumkhaobin,一个活泼但神秘的男人,也是亚思雅朋友Pheka的弟弟。当加入这项研究时,亚思娅无法想象她不仅会遇到神秘的Phumkhaobin,还会卷入一个人们崇拜蛇的村庄的神秘传说中。
  • based on true events that happened in Singapore in April 1958. The studio workers of Shaw Brothers are on strike for better pay and to support workers who have been sacked, they organised a variety show to collect funds and donations. During the show, Malaysian film legend P Ramlee and his best friend Jamil Sulong wrot…
  • Directed by filmmaker and scientist Christi Cooper, YOUTH v. GOV is the story of America's youth taking on the world's most powerful government. In 2015, twenty one young plaintiffs, ages 8 to 19, filed the lawsuit Juliana vs. United States, asserting a willful violation of their constitutional rights in creating our c…