搜索 H

  • ?场从夏天到冬天,五个?中?的悬疑初恋。?涩、浪漫、诙谐,?我发现与认同,以及?点点和家有关的其他。
  • 该剧改编自1996年,一对兄弟杀害亲生父母何西·梅内德斯与凯蒂·梅内德斯的真实罪案。检方指控他们觊觎庞大家族财富,兄弟俩却声称他们受尽父母身心虐待与性侵,出于恐惧才会犯下滔天大罪,他们仍在服无期徒刑,终身不得假释,时至今日仍坚持当初的证词。
  • 弱井幸之助在新宿市中心的一条后巷经营一家小型精神病诊所。通过仔细聆听患者的心声、耐心面对患者的症状,弱井医生诊断出其他医生未能识别的疾病,给患者带来了希望。第一次在精神科工作的护士雨宫由里,通过不断观察弱井的工作,对精神科治疗愈发着迷。然而,雨宫并不知道弱井也有着悲惨的过去——
  • 居住在六叶镇的双胞胎兄妹,王道游飞和王道游步,是经营着稍微有些可疑的宇宙人驱逐公司UTS(宇宙人纠纷咨询所)的小学生。  用游飞制作的神秘装置寻找外星人,每天都过着徒劳而辛苦的生活。  ....没错,直到那天!!  使用最新制作的神秘回收机,二人终于寻找到了真正的宇宙飞船,并在那艘宇宙飞船上邂逅了来自遥远彼方ベルギャー星団的…
  • Set at the start of Covid, Family Portrait follows a family on an idle but hectic morning when they have planned a group picture. When the mother vanishes and one daughter becomes desperate to find her and gather her sprawling family, the film progressively descends into a realm where time and space lose their grip, tr…
  • 【资讯】导演金鎮雅将执导由Insook Chappell编剧,英国电影协会给予开发支持的韩英合拍电影《巴里公主》。  电影《巴里公主》改编自黃晳暎作家的韩国小说《巴里公主》,小说以朝鲜族巫俗神话故事为基础,讲述脱北少女巴里跨越东亚和大洋进入西欧伦敦的故事,展现了韩半岛和全世界面对绝望、暴力、战争和恐怖袭击的样子。电影主要讲述巴里在伦…
  • From the creators of "The Believer", winner of the 2001 Sundance Grand Jury Prize, comes a black comedy about a man caught in the most impossible of conundrums: in love with his hometown, New York City, but driven mad by its noise. Transforming himself into "The Rectifier", David takes on everyone f…
  • yle=color: rgb(88, 88, 88); f>阿金斯扮演一名前MI6情报局特工。已经退休的他发现自己在某一天中因不明原因又被卷入危机四伏的间谍网络中,而策划着惊天阴谋的秘密情报机构也在想方设法抹除他的存在。
  • Four sorority sisters reunite at a Black Greek Weekend celebration. But the past comes knocking on their door and strange and inexplicable things begin to happen, threatening to unearth the deadly secret that may tear them apart.
  • Ya Nina / Lucky Girl is a realistic drama based on true stories. It is featuring a sudden change of life of successful TV star Nina after the cancer diagnosis and loss of her arm. The storyline takes the main character from the highest peak of her beautiful life to the darkest place one can possibly find oneself. Nina …