- Set in 1941, a drama about Canada's World War II policies toward Japanese-heritage citizens as told through the saga of a middle-class family forced to leave their successful Vancouver boating business, and relocate in a small, economically depressed mining town in the British Columbia interior, immediately following t…
- U.S Postal Inspectors are called in when asuburban couple are killed by a mail bomb. Suspicion immediately falls on the couple'sestranged and heavily in debt son, whoalso just happens to be a Navy munitionsexpert. But investigations reveal that he ison the run from a past event in his life that is associated with the b…
- 一个郊区的公墓在光天化日之下发生了多起谋杀案。大多数受害者是俄罗斯移民,他们的亲朋好友拒绝配合杰克·里德(丹尼)的调查。在追查案件的过程中,里德了解到,这个神秘事件的中心人物是一个好战的俄罗斯人,他正在组织他的几个移民同胞加入自己的军队。同时,里德还必须与具有影响力的市长候选人戈登·托马斯(乔·莫顿)竞争。托马斯的手下…