搜索 Granger

  • An affectionate look back at the making of the classic TV dramatisation of Evelyn Waugh's famous novel, Brideshead Revisited.  The documentary/tribute features contributions from Derek Granger (Producer), Jeremy Irons (Charles Ryder), Anth…
  • 一个小偷从暴虐黑帮老大邓波儿的贩毒窝点偷了数百万现金后,在他逃跑的车里发现了一个偷渡者:邓波儿怀孕的妻子米娅。邓波儿不顾一切地要回他的钱和他未出生的儿子,派出一队杀手和赏金猎人把米娅和小偷带回来。速度,机智和瞄得准给了他们短暂的优势,但他们的运气能维持多久呢?
  • 电影以“五彩呼伦贝尔合唱团”为背景,描写现代都市富有的一对母女来到大草原,遇到蒙古族老奶奶,整个的人生观因此改变的故事。 尚于(杨采妮 饰),某外企经理。深信经济发达,是幸福奔向的唯一途径。初次婚姻失败,但习于以强悍为容的她,在他人面前极少流露柔情。面对金融海啸,她被委 派到呼伦贝尔,以考察为名,不择手段,也要找到合理原…
  • 风和日丽的一天,杰克和艾丽(Katrina Bowden 饰)等8名大学生驱车来至莫里斯湖的森林度假。这里据说在20年前曾发生一起惨绝人寰的大屠杀,这个传说让这群看惯类似题材恐怖电影的男女们惴惴不安,而途中偶遇的两名当地青年也让他们心有余悸。那两名青年名叫托克(Alan Tudyk 饰)和戴尔(Tyler Labine 饰),是一对从小一起长大的好朋友,虽然…
  • Seventeen-year-old Cassie has become a recluse ever since her mother died in a horrible car accident. In an effort to fill the void, she downloads the latest intelligent personal assistant A.M.I., which is also the first to have a real consciousness. Their relationship quickly deepens into a twisted co-dependency and C…
  • Seventeen-year-old Cassie has become a recluse ever since her mother died in a horrible car accident. In an effort to fill the void, she downloads the latest intelligent personal assistant A.M.I., which is also the first to have a real consciousness. Their relationship quickly deepens into a twisted co-dependency and C…