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  • based on true events. Aesha goes to an isolated b&b in Kent after her mom books her in so she can get some head space for her studies. In the night Aesha is visited by a nun at the door who will progressively begin to show her true colours as the night unfolds - As the nun continues to bother Aesha at the door, Aesha b…
  • A struggling novelist moves his wife and young son to an old country home where he intends to write his next bestseller, but when a presence begins to communicate with his son, the tortured family must fight to escape an evil that threatens to doom them to the house for eternity.
  • 查理和布希這兩名熱衷靈異事件的追鬼狂熱者,只要哪裡鬧鬼就能見到他們的身影。兩人對於全美最凶的靈異地點「悲慘山」公路深感著迷,當然不可能輕易放過這個捕捉鬼影的難得機會。而兩人在抵達當地後,也接連目睹各種離奇詭異的超自然現象。
  • Two brothers once East Harlems best Salsa dancers are separated after the death of their father only to be reunited years later on opposing ends of gentrification.
  • 年輕的破產管理人夏洛特對職場和生活都充滿企圖心,年底時,公司派她去瑞典關閉一間賠錢多年的法國公司,這間公司專門製造木製玩具。這項任務預計幾天內就能完成,夏洛特將可回家過聖誕節。抵達瑞典後,她認識了該公司執行長馬歇爾,他充滿夢想但不善於經營公司,同時還忙著撫養過世的姐姐的孩子。已經不相信真愛的夏洛特逐漸被馬歇爾感動,一時…
  • This black comedy answers the question that has obsessed America and the world since November 08, 2016. How did Donald Trump become President of the United States?
  • Two gangsters are given 72 hours to discover the whereabouts of a stash of drug money stolen by their boss. Theres only one problem...they just murdered him. Frantic to find the cash, the hapless criminals kidnap a psychic medium and force her to contact the dead gang boss. Unfortunately for them, they only succeed in …
  • Expert historian, yet novice rider, Lucy Worsley learns the 17th century art of horse ballet leading up to a public performance. Along the way, she explores the origins of this peculiar pastime, witnesses spectacular displays abroad and discovers its surprising legacies.
  • 盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔将主演帕布罗·拉雷恩([第一夫人])执导的[厄玛](Ema,暂译),吉列尔莫·考尔德隆([追捕聂鲁达])与亚历杭德罗·莫雷诺(Alejandro Moreno)共同操刀剧本,其他加盟的卡司包括玛丽安娜·迪·吉罗拉莫(Mariana Di Girolamo)、桑地亚哥·卡布瑞拉(《大小谎言》)。加西亚与玛丽安娜饰演一对夫妻,在经历了一场收养后,整个家庭都分…
  • 当化妆品皇后玛丽·凯依对化妆品直销的垄断受到性感、年轻的暴发户金格·希斯的威胁时,化妆品界突然变得丑陋了。表面上看,她们是截然不同的女人。玛丽白手起家,打造出了自己的王国,现在过着富足却谦卑的生活。相反,时尚的金格却出任一家化妆品公司的董事会主席,正在威胁着玛丽的生意计划。她们的不同引发了竞争,然而,又是她们的相同加剧…