搜索 Gal

  • A dark existential odyssey through an underground dueling culture.
  • 马丁(伊利亚伍德 Elijah Wood 饰)为了追寻偶像逻辑数学家亚瑟(约翰赫特 John Hurt 饰)的足迹,来到牛津大学深造。他发现,寄宿的房东伊格莱顿太太(安娜玛西 Anna Massey 饰)仿佛跟亚瑟交往甚密,而她的养女贝丝(朱丽考克斯 Julie Cox 饰)却总是故弄玄虚。后来,马丁结识了壁球伙伴洛娜(蕾欧诺瓦特林 Leonor Watling 饰…
  • 近未来,人类文明几近崩溃,暴力冲突接连而起。与此同时,神秘而致命的病毒肆意蔓延,被感染者化身为嗜血凶残的丧尸,其数量呈几何数疯狂递增。医学对此束手无策,人类世界毁灭在即。幸存者在白天四处奔走,晚上则多在安全之所,只求残喘偷生。 就在这危难时刻,一群身怀绝技、武功高强的人类自发组成猎人团体,出没于黑暗之中,猎杀那些泯灭人…
  • Marshall Lawson loses his strike-team in a cold-blooded and seemingly random attack. After this he takes it upon himself to investigate the suspicious circumstances of the brutal killings. Soon he uncovers CTX Majestic, a covert military operation so secret, that now the military wants Marshall eliminated. Resolute in …
  • 这是导演的成名之作,罗伯特自掏腰包拍了这部低成本的黑色电影,结果一炮而红。影片讲述的是一名心狠手辣的罪犯成功越狱后,来到小镇伺机找他的仇家报仇,仇家的手下只知道那个罪犯将武器藏在吉他盒子里随身携带,而从来都没有见过他本人。一名流浪的吉他手(卡洛斯加拉尔多 Carlos Gallardo 饰)凑巧这时来到小镇谋生,于是,莫名其妙的他就被…
  • In the year 1524, the former Assassin Ezio Auditore retired to a villa in the countryside of Tuscany, with his wife Sofia and children Marcello and Flavia. While Ezio wrote in his study, Sofia asked him to watch Flavia while she and Marcello visit his sister Claudia. Shortly after, he left his study to tend their viney…
  •   一艘在海上航行的船只,被一种变异的双头鲨鱼袭击。幸存者游到了一座荒岛上寻求庇护,但是噩梦远没有结束。
  • 恐怖片喜剧
  • Eighty people from totally diverse backgrounds suddenly find themselves in an undisclosed location where they are expected to compete in a race with simple rules, "If you are lapped twice, you die. If you step off the path, you die. Race… or die." Many will start but only one may cross the finish line alive. …
  • John被派去收回被偷的轰炸机。他信赖的伙伴Rojar和一直以来忠贞的Jessica,与vivacious Ellianna 领导的Banansistan造反军展开斗智