- Horace Vendig shows himself to the world as a rich philanthropist. In fact, the history of his rise from his unhappy broken home shows this to be far from the case. After being taken in by richer neighbors he started to exhibit an obsessive and selfish urge to make more and more money, loving and leaving women at will …
- 《指环王》导演彼得·杰克逊打造的披头士新纪录片《TheBeatles:GetBack》要推出了。迪士尼前CEO、现董事会执行主席BobIger在年度股东大会上宣布:该片定档于9月4日北美上映。此前该片透露的信息是:记录的是披头士如何录制出经典名曲&专辑《LetItBe》。基于长达55小时的此前未曝光录像,包括披头士在录音室中制作的少见画面,拍摄时间为196…
- 每个传奇背后都有崛起故事。别名「声名狼籍先生」的克里斯多福·华莱士,以自成一格的旋律感和带有自传味道的歌词享誉乐坛,至今依旧是嘻哈界的偶像级人物。本纪录片穿插珍贵的幕后花絮片段,并请到挚友和家人现身说法,彰显他的精彩人生。