搜索 Eli

  • The fate of a championship is being decided on a soccer field, but along with it, the lives of many people who have decided to turn things around are at stake. Be it for money, as is the case of Italo - president of the Sporting team who bet everything he has left on the final result; be it for honor, as is the case of…
  • In Upside-Down Magic, a Disney Channel Original Movie, 13-year-old Nory Boxwood Horace discovers she can flux into animals, and her best friend Reina Carvajal can manipulate flames. Together, they enter the Sage Academy for Magical Studies. Reinas expert ability to harness the power of fire lands her at the top of her …
  • 一个被他4岁的姐姐神秘死亡困扰的男人在三十年后成为一名成年女性,使她重获生机,并带来了可怕的后果。
  • 查尔斯·丹斯、卢克·崔德威、大卫·莫瑞瑟将主演ITV新剧《新加坡掌控》(The Singapore Grip,暂译),[赎罪]编剧克里斯托弗·汉普顿操刀剧。剧集根据雅各·法瑞尔同名书籍改编,故事讲述在第二次世界大战日本侵略时期,居住在新加坡的一家英国人的生活。
  • 75歲的皮耶自從太太過世後就過著孤單的生活。女兒幫他買了一台電腦,想著也許能提起爸爸的好奇心,甚至替他找到第二春。皮耶跟著年輕的電腦老師亞力克斯學習上網,意外發現一個交友網站。他借用亞力克斯的身分,認識了帳號Flora63的年輕物理治療師。皮耶對她著迷不已,Flora63也深受這位高雅不凡的人士吸引,提議見面。興奮的皮耶硬著頭皮答應了…
  • Moving. Demanding. Unclassifiable. Rare. These are the words given to the gay film that Director Géraud Champreux is invited to present in a sleepy seaside town, but those same words also describe this irresistibly funny and sometimes absu…
  • In Daniel Goldhaber and Isa Mazzeis paranoid thriller Cam, an erotic webcam performer finds her followers stolen by a doppelganger who hijacks her channel, pushes the sexual envelope farther, and otherwise seems determined to destroy her life. Call it identity theft of a sexy, possibly supernatural kind.
  • 来自都市的女孩莉莉(玛德琳卡罗 饰)因为父亲工作忙碌,在暑假时被送往格罗阿姨(丹妮丝理察斯 饰)的牧场,在几乎没有手机讯号的乡下,她的生活就此翻转,莉莉无法与她的啦啦队的好友联络,她深信他的社交生活已经结束而感到沮丧。 后来在农场上遇见了一匹未被驯服的小马「开心果」,莉莉开始学著驯服顽强的牠,也在这裡遇上其他农场的年轻人…
  • 镇上的每个人都知道老阿姨埃塞尔的故事。据说她在孩子们的家里制作万圣节糖果和南瓜派。埃塞尔姨妈真的是一个有孩子味道的精神病例吗?这个万圣节,邻居青少年将找出真相。他们为埃塞尔姨妈准备了一些特别的东西。这可能只是某人的最后一个万圣节。