搜索 Eid

  • 两个月前,美国一艘深海潜水艇在运送超级军事物品时,军方收到一阵勐然攻击及船员惨叫声后,潜艇无故失踪…一段时间后,潜艇于距离加州海岸60英理被发现,为了搜回失去的货物及查出事发原因,政府派出荣恩博士及精锐女金刚进入潜水艇…方发现大部分船员无故被杀,只剩下一位半疯癫的幸存者,在哭诉船员被不明怪兽厮杀的故事……
  • When a mother, Katherine, and daughter, Ellie, are at the most stressful of times, they can only imagine how the others problems could be more difficult. Thanks to the magic from their late fathers hourglass, their imagination becomes a reality when they switch bodies and see what its like to be the other person.
  • When the air-conditioners mysteriously start to fall in city of Luanda, Matacedo (security guard) and Zezinha (housemaid) have the mission of retrieving their bosss ac.
  • From the director and producers of The Seven Five comes Operation Odessa, a true crime thriller about a Russian mobster, a Miami playboy and a Cuban spy who teamed up to sell a nuclear submarine to a Colombian drug cartel. A gangster epic that hopscotches from Brooklyn to Miami and Cali to Moscow, the documentary tells…
  • 秀兰·邓波儿在这幕令人发笑的音乐喜剧片中饰演一个卷发的小女孩,她喜欢唱歌跳舞,从穷家女一跃而至明星的地位。向来开朗活泼的小秀兰靠唱歌赚钱,她的小偷祖父在被秀兰歌声吸引的人群中做扒手。当秀兰被一名女士收养后,她的歌唱才能被发掘出来,被邀请参演“汤姆叔叔的小屋”。在这出戏里秀兰即将带给你美妙的歌声和愉快的时光。
  • William Thornhill, an illiterate Thames bargeman and a man of quick temper but deep feelings, steals a load of timber and is transported to New South Wales in 1806. Like many of the convicts, hes pardoned within a few years and settles on the banks of the Hawkesbury River. Perhaps the Governor grants him the land or pe…
  • 丈夫去世后,玛莎(史蒂芬妮·葛拉瑟 Stephanie Glaser 饰)一直过着郁郁寡欢的生活,玛莎的现状令朋友莉茜(Heidi Maria Glssner 饰)十分担心。一次偶然中,莉茜发现玛莎拥有极高的缝纫天赋,在她的鼓励下,两人合作开了一间专卖手工内衣的小小商店。 在那个居民淳朴作风保守的小镇上,玛莎和莉茜的店引起了轩然大波,人们用另类的眼光看待这…
  • 出色的电子音乐人伊卡鲁斯(Paul Kalkbrenner 饰)最近事业受阻:唱片公司对他的新作品毫无兴趣。所幸他还有露天音乐节和舞厅等舞台让观众为自己疯狂。女友兼经纪人玛蒂尔德(Rita Lengyel 饰)竭力纠正伊卡的吸毒恶习,但唱片无望的打击让伊卡更加依赖毒品,最终伊卡因用药过量引发精神失常,不得不入住保罗教授(Corinna Harfou…
  • 影片根据罗伯特·穆希尔同名小说改编,来源于作者的真实生活事件的回忆,在20世纪处年奥匈帝国东部的贫瘠的土地上,有着一所相对封闭的寄宿制学校,家长通过寄宿学校的严厉把他们培养成有用的人,老师严厉、刻板,孩子们有着欧洲寄宿学校的规矩,等级制度森严,暴力横行学校内的学生比亚斯尼经常因为曾经的偷盗行为而被同学选为肆虐的对象,他成…