搜索 Edlund

  • 西蒙(比尔·斯卡斯加德 Bill Skarsg?rd 饰)是一个患有亚斯伯格症的男孩,他是个物理天才,但不能忍受和人发生肢体接触;他有严重的强迫症,一切都要依计划执行;他不高兴就会把铁皮桶当成太空舱,躲在里面不肯出来。西蒙的监护人是他的哥哥山姆(马丁·沃斯特罗姆 Mar tin Wallstr?m 饰),从小到大只有山姆能理解他。山姆的女友因为不堪忍受…
  • American abortion clinics are in a fight for survival. Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) laws are increasingly being passed by states that maintain they ensure women’s safety and health, but as clinics continue to shut their doors, opponents believe the real purpose of these laws is to outlaw abortion. W…
  • 三兄妹和母亲在二战结束时经营着一家颇受欢迎的饭馆。大儿子打理酒馆度过了战争年代,并希望能长久继续下去。妹子跟厨房伙计好上了并迎来新时代潮流。二儿子回首都后发现家庭企业有问题。同时母亲同厨师长依然专注于餐厅运营。餐厅里有他们的管家和领班。