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  • A young Brooklyn couple head upstate to disconnect from their phones and reconnect with themselves. Cut off from their devices, they miss the news that the planet is under attack.
  • 《逃出行動》由東方影業出品有限公司、耳東影業(北京)有限公司、本地製作有限公司出品,本地製作有限公司製作,由伍健雄、黃子桓監製,麥浩邦執導,譚耀文、張繼聰、栢天男、張建聲領銜主演,黃德斌、何佩瑜、陳漢娜、泰臣、黃致豪主演,伍詠薇特別演出。電影以實力演員夥拍影圈新血拼撞火花,講述一場驚心動魄的越獄故事,各人埋藏著各自的逃…
  • <p>一对生活在阿富汗首都卡布尔的儿童兄妹救下了一只据说是由外国人带来的小狗,而其他的孩子们正打算伤害这只狗。他们带着狗来到了城市的监狱。监狱的守卫告诉他们探视的时间已经过去了,但孩子们告诉守卫,他们不是探视者,而是监狱的囚犯。守卫问他们,如果是囚犯,为什么会在监狱的外面。他们回答说:“我们是晚上的囚犯。”守卫似乎…
  • <p>Batch '81 follows the experiences of seven neophytes who are seeking acceptance into the Alpha Kappi Omega fraternity. One of the neophytes, Sid Lucero, tells the story through his eyes. For six monthes, the neophytes go through mental and physical humiliation through their "masters."     &…
  • 浪漫爱情喜剧片. 盖布渴望与帅气的男友永结同心,但却遇上了一个怪异的问题:她已经嫁给了一名陌生人
  • A family of aswang attempt to transition into a living a more normal, less monstrous life.
  • 對人生感到迷惘的傑西在雨夜邂逅了藝術家希萊絲特,美麗又勇於做自己的希萊絲特深深吸引了傑西,他們一拍即合、相談甚歡。道別時,傑西忍不住吻了希萊絲特,而希萊絲特只想讓美好的時刻留在當下,兩人就此分道揚鑣。多年後再次相遇,他們發現對彼此的感情從未消退,然而傑西已有了未婚妻…。
  • 1972年在菲律宾的一个偏远乡村发生了许多神秘事件。森林里传来哭泣声、母牛被砍死、在田间发现流血死去的男人、许多房屋被烧毁。军事行动越来越普遍,残忍的民兵统治着乡村。费迪南德·E·马科斯宣布1081号公告命令,实行全国戒严。
  • Abla, a widow and mother to a 10-year-old girl, struggles to survive and give her child the best possible future. After the death of her husband, she starts a home-based business from her kitchen.
  • Separated from his family and caught in a cycle of gambling and debt, Jim has less than a day to repay a violent loan shark. His day is turned upside down when he must look after his young. Jim's relationship with his son is tested as his plans to pay back the loan fail. When his last desperate effort to repay the debt…