搜索 Daniel

  • Olly is a gay teen with disability who discovers that his two straight best friends are dating each other. Frustrated by his body, he chooses to undertake a pioneering medical procedure: a transplant that puts his mind into the body of a beautiful young able-bodied woman. When his friends see through the beautiful, blo…
  • 伪纪录风格的恐怖小故事合集,一种不畏怖、科幻、神话、神秘和刺激的混合物,被称为四个环环相扣的故事。鬼怪、幽灵、生物、恶魔以及更多来自于超自然世界与理性的好奇心的碰撞。
  • After setting her serial killer boyfriend on fire. A paranoid delusional woman gets a job at an all-night gas station.
  • 莎莉韩克饰演片中主角盲女,这场性虐待游戏的猎物。她无邪的美丽及眼盲吸引邪恶的谋杀者,一伙残暴的流氓抢到一辆装甲车,杀死了年老的看守者,霸占了一家旅馆。不久,这些暴徒意识到这所房子里还有一个人,她就是埃里卡,旅馆的一位员工,一个看似弱不禁风的少女却是一个强大的对手。
  • 两个月前,美国一艘深海潜水艇在运送超级军事物品时,军方收到一阵勐然攻击及船员惨叫声后,潜艇无故失踪…一段时间后,潜艇于距离加州海岸60英理被发现,为了搜回失去的货物及查出事发原因,政府派出荣恩博士及精锐女金刚进入潜水艇…方发现大部分船员无故被杀,只剩下一位半疯癫的幸存者,在哭诉船员被不明怪兽厮杀的故事……
  • When Alena arrives at her new elite boarding school, Filippa and the other girls start to harass her. But Alenas best friend Josefin wont let her take anymore beating. If she wont strike back, Josefin will do it for her. Hard.
  • 丹尼爾·索薩在第二部脫口秀特輯中回憶童年、思索墨西哥傳統,並指出《可可夜總會》的一大問題
  • Two young women, torn apart by a childhood tragedy, unexpectedly reunite and embark on an illuminating 24-hour journey, where they unlock memories of long-forgotten innocence and what it means to truly believe.
  • A young female Sheriffs Deputy in rural Louisiana takes on her towns old money establishment when the woman she loves - an attorney fighting to stop a rail deal that threatens to displace the towns poor - is murdered.
  • The Snail And The Whale follows the amazing journey of a tiny snail who longs to see the world and manages to hitch a ride on the tail of a huge humpback whale. The story is a joyous, empowering tale about the natural wonders of the earth and discovering that however small you are, you can make a difference. This half …