搜索 Damián

  • The Lift Boy is a coming of age story of a 24-year-old vagabond who is forced to work at a posh building in Mumbai as a Lift Boy when his bread-winning father falls ill.
  • 人到中年,纳珀拉斯(马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰)开始体会到了人生的无奈和命运的无常。一日,在一列火车上,纳珀拉斯遇见了一个长相美艳的女子,他深深的为女子的美艳所着迷,女子似乎也对纳珀拉斯颇为中意,正在两人情意绵绵之时,女子却突然走下了停止的火车,惊讶的纳珀拉斯尾随其后。 追随着女子的脚步,纳珀拉斯来到了…
  • ◎片长92 mins ◎导演Michael Damian ◎主演Lisa Hartman ... Lindy Kacey Rohl ... Kelly Clint Black ... Toby Max Lloyd-Jones ... Briggs McBride Siobhan Williams ... Stephanie Meyers Alexander Calvert ... Jesse Laura Soltis ... Mrs. Meyers Katharin…
  • Troy Carrington, a former professional football player returns to his country town after an abrupt end to his sporting career and is persuaded to coach the hapless local footy team, the Roosters.
  • ThestoryfollowsfriendsHedi(ValerieStoll),Fritzi(LiavonBlarer),Harry(JoelBasman)andGeorg(DamianThüne).HediisasalesassistantinthewarehouseownedbyFritzi’sfather.DuringarobberyattheKaDeWe,thetwomeetandfallinlove.Despiteconsiderablesocialresist…
  • Two closeted actors on their way to their first high profile awards ceremony fight both expectation and each other, as intimacy and insecurity collide in the back seat of a car.
  • Separated from his family and caught in a cycle of gambling and debt, Jim has less than a day to repay a violent loan shark. His day is turned upside down when he must look after his young. Jim's relationship with his son is tested as his plans to pay back the loan fail. When his last desperate effort to repay the debt…
  • 约翰,曾经有一个幸福美满的家庭,贤惠的妻子,可爱的女儿是他一生最大的快乐,然而,身为一名警察的他,却因为屡获战功而得罪了很多黑道人士。某天晚上,在他回到家中时发现,妻子被人侮辱后杀害,而女儿的尸体也冷冰冰的躺在她小卧室的床上,四周布满鲜血。这一切成为了约翰的噩梦,每当他踏进这个曾今充满幸福,今日却鲜血满地的房子时,他都…
  • 年輕漂亮的莎拉和靠賣淫維生的母親相依為命,漂泊不定的生活取代了這個年紀該有的多采多姿歲月。在一次的意外衝突下,莎拉無助地逃到洛杉磯的街頭,一無所有的她要想辦法生存下去,而出賣身體似乎是唯一的選擇……
  • 机械工程师巴瑞(JayGallagher饰)原本和妻子安妮(CatherineTerracini饰)、女儿梅根(MeganneWest饰)过着快乐无忧的生活,但在一个不祥之夜,他们的人生发生了翻天覆地的巨变。沉睡中的巴瑞突然接到妹妹布鲁克(BiancaBradey饰)的电话,妹妹声称朋友们毫无征兆的情况下甚至错乱,变成了凶恶残暴、嗜血如命的恐怖丧尸。话音未落之际,巴瑞一…