- IMPALED REKTUM in jail and with an offer to play Germany's Wacken Open Air festival. Unprepared and imprisoned, the band refuses the festival slot. However, the guitarist's father goes ill and is in dire need as the family home and slaughterhouse are about to be demolished. Cue the music: time to get out of jail! IMPA…
- 这部具有里程碑意义的纪录片《jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy》由克拉伦斯·西蒙斯(“库迪”)和奇克·奥扎以三部曲的形式呈现,对坎耶·维斯特的经历进行了深入而富有启发性的刻画,展示了他努力突破的性格形成时期,和他今天作为全球品牌和艺术家的生活。