搜索 Chaney

  • 一部关于美国作家弗兰纳里·奥康纳的传记片,玛雅·霍克担任主演,讲述上世纪50年代,弗兰纳里·奥康纳努力出版首部小说《智血》时的生活。
  • 異男凱雷為了追求只愛GAY的女人─—關,聽從他同志室友的建議假扮成同志投其所好!此舉果然讓關對凱雷大有感覺,沒想到關還將他介紹給自己的舊愛,火力全開撮合這對同志佳偶,更令人意外的是,這位舊愛居然是他室友的夢中情人!</p>
  • Jonathan is a very lonely man. One day, he gets a visitor in his house: a young woman who, through a jarring turn of events, ends up dead. He does not report it because he is happy to have a friend, but now the body begins to decay.
  • Reenactments drive this documentary investigating the mastermind behind a scam to sneak the kids of rich and famous families into top US universities.
  • 改編自同名小說《風行者》。二十五年前,美國最受歡迎的作家傑克文森特走進密西根州北部的黑暗樹林,寫下了他最偉大的一本書《風行者》,但他再也沒踏出那片森林。二十五年後,他的兒子小傑克決定展開一場眾所皆知的冒險,完成他父親未竟之業,但是命運帶來的衝擊,已超越文字所帶來的想像…
  • Jonathanisaverylonelyman.Oneday,hegetsavisitorinhishouse:ayoungwomanwho,throughajarringturnofevents,endsupdead.Hedoesnotreportitbecauseheishappytohaveafriend,butnowthebodybeginstodecay.