搜索 Bin

  • An epidemic outbreak of a new rabies virus in Venezuela and a father trying to save his son from contagion.
  • Ever wondered about your parents sex life? Neither did Molly and Elle until coming out and divorce forced them to learn about their parents new sex-capades. After a lifetime of dating men, Molly (31, a grade eight teacher) surprises herself when she falls in love with a woman for the first time. When she finds the cour…
  • 一名颇有天赋的年轻歌手因参加火爆的才艺秀而红极一时。然而,她真正的目标却是赢得身为评委团成员的父亲的爱。
  • 在这部续集中,超级智能的人工机器狗阿奇交上了一个新朋友——格雷戈里
  •  A poison killer woman in a search and destroy mission against a strange spiritual leader
  • 短片讲述了罗伯特和路易斯,这对在柏林生活了几年的同性恋夫夫,想要他们自己的孩子,所以他们决定请求路易斯的姐姐斯文娅做他们的代孕母亲。他们计划在1999年一个温暖的夏夜,由罗伯特和斯文娅完成人工受精。但令人惊讶的是,斯文娅带着他的新男友乌尔夫一起来了,而乌尔夫对一切却毫不知情。这是一种爆炸性的聚会,因为斯文娅似乎不是最可靠的…
  • Following the death of his father, Lyle Bennett sets out on an extreme weight loss journey in the hopes of reaching health and happiness. His goal will push him past his physical limits and test the strength of his mental and emotional stability.
  • 45歲的札維耶獨自居住在布拉格,白天在洗車場工作的他,一到夜晚就會化身專對年輕女子下手的變態殺人魔。某天,他遇見了女服務生卡蘿琳娜,喚醒了他暗藏內心深處多年的扭曲情感。面對這從未出現過的感受,札維耶的嗜殺慾望更加難以克制……究竟札維耶是該過著正常人的生活,還是他的嗜血人生注定以悲劇收場?
  • based on true events. Aesha goes to an isolated b&b in Kent after her mom books her in so she can get some head space for her studies. In the night Aesha is visited by a nun at the door who will progressively begin to show her true colours as the night unfolds - As the nun continues to bother Aesha at the door, Aesha b…
  • 米卡現在是知名的「馬溝通師」。有一天,她和她心愛的黑馬「颶風」一起來到牠的出生地西班牙。在那裡她發現了神祕的綠洲,供給大批野馬水源生存,就像馬的家一樣。然而,綠洲主人被迫賣掉土地給覬覦泉水的大公司。為了拯救綠洲,米卡打算重啟古老傳統:賽馬。如果比賽成功,綠洲就會成為文化遺址,獲得政府保護。米卡和颶風不只要準備比賽,還要…