搜索 Bá

  • 《加油好Baby》是安徽卫视全新亲子游戏互动节目,由安徽卫视午间收视冠军节目《男生女生向前冲》团队打造!号称婴儿版“男生女生向前冲”!
  • based on a true story, John Larroquette plays a hotshot executive that ends up in court over a certain charge. He is sentenced to community service. He is assigned to coach a basketball team of mentally handicap citizens. At first, he is reluctant and thinks selfishly of his own needs. Later on, he finds the real meani…
  • 很很久以前,有一位女高音歌唱家用她的年轻美貌和完美的歌声征服了全世界,而如今只剩下那段传奇与她相伴。她已多年不表演,也不再出现在她曾经叱咤风云的上流社交场合。这个曾经惊艳世界的疯狂女人如今想要在事业上再次凯旋。她用尽所有伎俩,不择手段地来达成她的野心。而一个野心勃勃的年轻男歌剧演员成了她的牺牲品……
  • 哈姆森接到新的任务,和朋友一起开着“卡塔吉娜号”进行一次长途旅行,控制室发生一系列事故之后,他们遇到的问题也越来越多,破产的船主为了骗取保险金,收买了一名船员已经将船炸开了裂缝。悲剧已经无可避免,哈姆森和船上其他成员被迫逃离船只,漂浮在海上等营救,最终他们可以顺利获救吗?而事故的发生到底有谁负责呢?
  • The film is about a young female researcher whose life is in danger when she discovers the pharmaceutical company she works for had developed a cure for cancer many years earlier. They haven't released it because that would destroy their chemotherapy drug sales. She must now escape and release the cure to world while t…
  • Desiree Banner may own her own record company but she has struggled to find her perfect melody since leaving the band she once headlined with her brothers Mitchell and Johnny
  • 滂沱大雨,促成了一段平凡又显得有些另类的姻缘。带着些许颓废气质的摄影师罗曼(Aleksey Chadov 饰)与学习大提琴的红发孤独女孩卡嘉(Olga Makeyeva 饰)在空荡荡的公车上相遇了。赤裸的足踝与类似的境遇让他们刹那间产生认同感,并很快坠入情网。  爱情或需至纯至真,因此他们搬到一间与世隔绝的公寓内,切断电话线、门铃以及与外界的一切…
  • 简介: Felix Baumgartner在一个航空专家团队的支持下,准备挑战Red Bull Stratos计划。他将乘热气球抵达距离地面36,000米的平流层,然后纵身跳下,从而写下一个新的自由降落纪录。Felix Baumgartner希望成为第一个在没有飞行器保护下超音速飞行的人,同时为医学和科学研究提供全新的数据。该计画在德克萨斯州进行压力室测试之后,终于将在新墨…