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  •   Mumbai-based CEO of Channel X, Jaikishan Shroff, has instructed his staff to carry out a number of sting operations to expose elusive underworld gangster, Musaa, leading to threats against his life, as well as a failed abduction of his s…
  •   故事发生在1937年的马德里,胡斯托(胡安·迭戈·波托 Juan Diego Botto 饰)本是一位精明强干的律师,有着无量的前途和一位美丽的妻子曼纽埃拉(玛利亚·瓦沃德 María Valverde 饰)。西班牙内战爆发了,爱国心切的胡斯托果断的放弃了事业,加入了共和军,走上了战场。   胡斯托就此音信全无,曼纽埃拉带着两个孩子帕洛玛(伊万娜·巴克…
  •   甘桂(Anyarit Pitakkul 配音)是一头天真无邪的小象,从小和妈妈一起过着相依为命的生活的甘桂,从来都没有见过爸爸。为了寻找爸爸的下落,甘桂一人偷偷溜出了家,在误打误撞之中闯入了敌人的领地,遭到了洪沙士兵的围攻。所幸王子及时出现,救下并收留了甘桂。   之后,甘桂一路流浪,结识了名为莎巴(娜华拉·泰夏华泰拿派史彻 Naw…
  •   When smart, musically talented and popular high school student David Sinclair unexpectedly commits suicide, shock and unanswered questions reverberate throughout the school. David was perfect, so where did he or his friends go wrong His …
  •   EverythingWillBeOkaybeginsquitharmless.Aweekend-fatherpicksuphiseight-years-olddaughterLea.Itprettymuchseemslikeeverysecondweekend.ButafterawhileLeacan‘thelpbutfeelingthatsomethingisjustnotright.Sobeginsafataljourney,leadingtoaninevitab…
  • The perfect killing machine is reprogrammed to think and feel. 在不久的未来,一个被称为"LIA"(完美的杀人机器)的东西被送入战区,用以铲除叛军的强大实力。但是,当LIA去偷袭敌人时,却意外被擒,甚至被敌方当做研究对象,企图为自己所用。
  •   The unemployed Duval is contacted by a mysterious organization to transcribe intercepted calls. He accepts the job with no suspicions, since it restores stability to his life, but it will soon result in political shenanigans of all kinds…
  •   巫術盛行的13世紀,一群馬爾他士兵在戰爭中歷劫歸來,他們飽受戰火欺凌,又累又餓地來到一座城堡,原本只打算進城找點食物充饑,並借住一夜。沒想到卻遇上一名神秘美女,捲進一連串陰謀、性愛、殺人的離奇事件。崔史坦為了這名女子,誤殺了城主的獨生子,引來城主率領整座城堡的人民以誓言血債血還的復仇行動。
  • 玛丽安娜绝望的寻找着自己的弟弟,无意中她接受了一个陌生人的搭车,却不知这个人其实有着一个天大的秘密。