搜索 Al

  •   故事发生在1937年的马德里,胡斯托(胡安·迭戈·波托 Juan Diego Botto 饰)本是一位精明强干的律师,有着无量的前途和一位美丽的妻子曼纽埃拉(玛利亚·瓦沃德 María Valverde 饰)。西班牙内战爆发了,爱国心切的胡斯托果断的放弃了事业,加入了共和军,走上了战场。   胡斯托就此音信全无,曼纽埃拉带着两个孩子帕洛玛(伊万娜·巴克…
  •   金发的双性恋Mateo,性感的Maria,以及内心充满冲突的同性恋Angel。在现实生活中各种体验是他们寻找自我的手段。 金发的双性恋Mateo,性感的Maria,以及内心充满冲突的同性恋Angel。在现实生活中各种体验是他们寻找自我的手段。
  • Moments before his capture by police, a thief digs a grave to hide a bag of money. Released from prison years later he returns to retrieve the bag, only to find a shrine to an Unknown Saint build directly over his loot, and a brand new village constructed all around it.
  • Freelance female war reporter Alex Quade covers U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF) on highly classified combat missions. Since 2001, she has embedded with elite SOF, including the U.S. Army Special Forces or Green Berets, Army Rangers, Navy Seals, and CIA clandestine operatives to tell their stories from the front li…
  • 古多(瓦莱里奥·马斯坦德雷亚 Valerio Mastandrea 饰)是一位在业内颇有名气的作家,最近,他刚刚获得了文学奖的提名,人生可谓正处在巅峰时期。虽然古多事业家庭双丰收,但在他的内心深处依然感觉到深深的空虚,而他的女儿的游泳教练茱莉亚(瓦莱丽亚·戈利诺 Valeria Golino 饰)的出现,似乎刚刚好能够填补这份空缺。 虽然古多知道茱莉亚的…
  •   故事发生在一个5口之家,阿莱克斯生来是个低能儿,父母和弟弟约翰都嫌弃他,只有他的妹妹米兰达照顾他.有一天,米兰达突然告诉父母自己怀孕了,无论家人如何逼问,她都不肯说出孩子父亲是谁.约翰带他的朋友本杰明来家中做客,本杰明见到阿莱克斯愚钝就捉弄他,米兰达厉声喝止.本杰明跑到楼上去,这时怪事发生了,他发现了一扇奇怪的门,就推开门走了进…
  • 尚格·云顿饰演的角色Frenchy是一名前美国士兵,退伍之后在东南亚某地做出租车司机,他偶然遇到一个女人Sofia(Claudia Bassols饰),Sofia神秘的生活吸引着他,在她的世界里,他必须保护她在一段门户不对的关系中不受到邪恶之人的伤害。Frenchy的一个好朋友Bobby Jackson身患残疾却是前军事专家,在他的帮助下,Frenchy和Sofia最终…
  •   The sad true story of the life of Pumpuang Duangjan who is praised as the Queen of Thai country (luktung) music.
  • Delinquent is the thrilling and dramatic exploration of a teenagers struggle to manage the fall-out of a robbery gone wrong.
  • In a remote Bulgarian town, Gana looks after the elderly with dementia, while trafficking their ID cards on the black market of identity theft. At home, she provides for her jobless mother, with whom she hardly speaks. Her relationship with her car-mechanic boyfriend is no shelter for love either - with sexual attracti…