- 讲述了以擅长搭讪的男子2人组的千原狮音和千早瑠依为主角的女体化爱情喜剧。有一天,狮音被神秘的女人下了药,醒来后发现自己变成了女性的身体。来看看狮因的瑠依一看到他的样子,就在没意识到他是好友的情况下开始追求他…黑皮被一个神秘女子下药变成了女孩子,只有通过和男人做获取Samen才能恢复男儿身。但是恢复男儿身之后如果失去太多的Sa…
- 铃木财团最新的高级酒店落成,小兰(黑川智花饰)、阿笠博士(田山凉成饰)、柯南(藤崎直饰;高山南配音)、灰原哀(柴田幸花饰;林原惠美配音)受到园子(岩佐真悠子饰)的邀请出席了隆重的开幕仪式。与此同时,“日本小姐”评选大赛庆功宴也在酒店同期召开,可就在此前不久,针对日本小姐获奖者寿可怜(奈都纪饰)的威胁书送到了负责人的手中…
- It is 1917, and lunatic General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett is leading the British troops at the front lines against the Germans, while everyone waits for Field Marshall Haig's big push. There are various emotions throughout the camp about it. For Captain Kevin Darling, Melchett's bull-dog-like right-hand man, …
- The Black Adder I - King Richard IV is the insane monarch ruling England during the really dark part of the Dark Ages. He has two sons: one, Harry, his elder son and the Prince of Wales. Although highly respected by the court and overly favored by his father, Harry is rather looney, as well... and two, Edmund, Duke of …