搜索 黑

  • 在警务课工作的女警神木(贯地谷饰),一次偶然机会被派去有独居老人尸体的现场。虽然验尸官检查后以病死处理,但神木怀疑是他杀并不认同这个验尸结果。另一边,和神木在同一辖区警署的刑事课主任折原(岸谷饰)也遇到了类似的案件。二人再次合作,在找出各个案件的共同点的同时,逐步深入挖掘出警察内部的黑暗面。
  •   网飞木偶剧集《黑水晶:抗战纪元》幕后制作纪录片  
  • A notorious trauma bay in an inner-city ER earns its keep as the 'hurt locker of medicine' as new, idealistic and adrenaline-seeking doctors train in an environment akin to a war-zone. When the hospital moves to a swank, new building the rush fades and bureaucracy gridlocks the state of the art facility, and the doctor…
  • A Two part documentary sharing detailed information on Black holes.
  • 埃及吉萨大金字塔曾在几千年间都是世界最高的建筑,无论是在结构和工程上都无可匹敌,虽然其宝藏早已被盗,但它本身就是古埃及最辉煌的遗产,本片揭秘古埃及人如何建造吉萨大金字塔。
  • 远在冷峻严酷的北大西洋有一小块海域,底下蕴藏着非常珍贵的宝藏。在这面积1000平方海哩的小水域里,一群渔夫与海中最有价值的大西洋黑鲔鱼搏斗。跟这些海中巨无霸比起来,在美国麻州沿岸钓到的鲔鱼充其量只能算鱼饵罢了。全新系列《对决黑鲔鱼》将带您一睹捕捞全球最值钱的海中掠食者紧张又刺激的过程。
  • In a long dialogue, Nagisa Oshima interviews Akira Kurosawa, leading him to share his thoughts about filmmaking, his life and works, and numerous anecdotes relating to his films and his various film activities.
  • Imagine what it would feel like to be the only black television star in Hollywood at a time when the KLU KLUX KLAN acted out violently against black people, when America groaned under the weight of segregation and prejudice. Imagine being in possession of a natural talent so great, so unique and disarming that these is…
  • 原为外科医生的杀手,用医疗技术让法律无法惩治的恶人得到报应,为弱者伸张正义,葬送这个世上的黑暗。
  • 全昭旻 / 朴成勋 主演的《我的黑历史误答笔记》共一集,讲述在生活中每个人都可能会遇到的囧事演变成无法抹去的黑历史的故事。