- "The third film in the series, The Trap, is an unusual beast. When the film opens our perpetually down-on-his-luck hero is actually on a bit of a roll. Business is booming, he’s got a new girlfriend, Akane has been accepted into college … he’s even upgrading his office equipment. Things couldn’t be better, right? …
- 1 身体租赁 年轻女子香織(内田有紀饰)因厌倦人生而意图轻生,被人救下后对方提出借用身体的请求,装上芯片后,香織的身体由一个老婆婆的意识所操纵。 2 逗捧人生 若干年后,大阪国人除了重要的成人式和结婚式外,又多了一项结成式——人们必须寻觅到生命中的另一半,结成逗/捧对子表演笑话。(横山裕饰) 3 冥婚 日和(深田恭…