- 该片是由英国家喻户晓的『罗宾汉侠盗王子』故事所改编的传奇冒险作品。导演凯文雷诺德重述了12世纪,一个遭奸人陷害而流亡于森林中的贵族少爷罗宾汉惊险历程。期间,罗宾汉加入了一群同样也遭放逐的乡民行列,成为他们的首领,带领着他们铲除奸人日益扩张的恶势力,并替自己的父亲报仇…。该片除了有其相当道地的拍摄场景(拍摄于英国当地的古老…
- Writer Debbie Horsfield has confirmed that her final series will follow the lives of the Poldarks and the Warleggans in the ten-year period between the events of books seven and book eight The Stranger from the Sea. It is a new century and with it comes the promise of a hopeful future, but the past casts a long shadow …