搜索 李胜妍

  • Jeougcheol is a construction worker and there are his mentally ill sister and Jinyeong, a girl who has a crush on him. He tries to fix his collapsed house against all odds. The director Park Jungbum studies the internal state of characters and their behaviour with this ambitious film, to find an optimism after all.
  • 今天,比任何人都要用心的去生活的19岁青春,此刻这一瞬间, 在它们的心中,所需的语言的温度是多少呢?  大人们不知道的,孩子们隐藏起的韩国高三学生们贴近现实拥有共鸣的少男少女电视剧 <语言的温度:我们的19岁>(翻译@谢谢你成为歌手朴智旻先生)
  • 此剧讲述继承了巨额债务、为了挽回父亲的名义而努力偿还债务的富家公子,和在他身边积极支持他的坚强女人之间的故事。
  • 故事发生在1944年,日军残酷无情的铁蹄踏破了朝鲜土地上的宁静,一时间硝烟四起哀鸿遍野,百姓失去了赖以生存的家园,只能在燃烧的熊熊战火和被敌人统治的屈辱之下忍辱偷生。崔钟芬和金英爱是两名平凡的朝鲜女孩,金英爱十分嫌弃看上去土里土气的崔钟芬,而崔钟芬却对金英爱青睐有加,只因为她喜欢上了金英爱的哥哥。某日,金英爱的哥哥被日本人…
  • 圣水大桥坍塌的1994年,中学生恩熙和父母、姐姐、哥哥一起生活。全家在各自的问题上争吵,此时的恩熙寻觅未至的爱情,像岛一样漂浮。恩熙的生活里,唯一能给予理解的她出现了。
  • Jeougcheol is a construction worker and there are his mentally ill sister and Jinyeong, a girl who has a crush on him. He tries to fix his collapsed house against all odds. The director Park Jungbum studies the internal state of characters and their behaviour with this ambitious film, to find an optimism after all.