- 全球领先的娱乐巨头傲天集团总裁洛川,为揭开昔日洛家被陷害的真相,化名普通工人深入基层,同时期望与妻子楚墨冰过上平淡生活。然而,楚墨冰却提出离婚,洛川虽尝试解释,却遭冷嘲热讽,最终接受现实。此时,柳家千金柳如烟出现,支持洛川并揭露楚墨冰的背叛。三天后,招商大会上,楚墨冰宣布成功引进傲天集团投资,洛川现身,却遭众人轻视。柳…
- 主 MC: 姜丹尼尔 NMIXX Haewon Lee Chanwon Jeon Hyunmoo Ground MC: DinDin STAYC Sieun 项目: 田径运动 射箭 室内足球 体育舞蹈 霹雳舞 (街舞)
- Ya Nina / Lucky Girl is a realistic drama based on true stories. It is featuring a sudden change of life of successful TV star Nina after the cancer diagnosis and loss of her arm. The storyline takes the main character from the highest peak of her beautiful life to the darkest place one can possibly find oneself. Nina …