- 故事发生在1950年巴西的里约热内卢,18岁的尤丽狄茜与20岁的吉达是一对形影不离的亲生姐妹,她们与保守的父母一同生活。虽然家风传统,姐妹俩却各自怀揣梦想:尤丽狄茜想做一名职业钢琴家,吉达渴望追寻真爱。在一次戏剧化的变故后,姐妹被迫分离,两人各自的梦想也因生活的无奈被搁置。即便如此,姐妹倆从未放弃找寻彼此的希望。
- Emilia, who suffers from a terminal illness, embarks on a journey with her best friend Violeta. On their way they meet Mark, who claims to be an alien on a mission to destroy the planet for considering humanity (and love) a virus. However, Mark begins to doubt his mission falling in love with Emilia.
- An impressive solar storm befalls the Earth causing power surges and blackouts. A deeper storm rages in the soul of Regina, a lonely spinster called 'Fräulein', after a mysterious tourist passes the gate of her hotel closed for years. What…