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  • 汽车修理技师夏利宾被未来的丈母娘逼着必须买了房才能结婚。柏平与同公司的恋人卫蓝打算秘密结婚,于是两人打算与夏利宾合伙买套两居室,共同还贷。娱乐报纸的记者徐梓琳偶然客串了一次相亲节目后时来运转,被总编提拔成对男人挑刺的专栏主编。因为她偏激的观点导致了夏利宾“进攻”准丈母娘的全线失败,夏利宾展开对徐梓琳的回击,但在过程中,…
  • January 1945. The first French regiment of paratroopers to fight with an American unit to liberate Alsace in France. An Allied Division must take the forest bordering the town of Jebsheim, several days before the attack that would later be called the French Stalingrad. Prisoners of the cold, snow, and harsh winter cond…