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  • 本地连续发生多宗少女被杀案,死者均全身赤裸,颈上并有牙孔,致令警方大为震惊,为免引起市民对吸血僵尸的揣测及恐慌,遂下令封锁一切报导。某报记者肥彪(郑则士)觉得事态可疑,乃暗加调查。肥彪获悉有女证人陈琦(朱宝意),驾车经过凶案现场时,曾目睹一人不似人鬼不似鬼之怪物,立即登门采访。经多次接触,肥彪对琦产生爱意。另一方面,肥…
  • Three aspiring young women (Naomi, Joe, and Elsa) embark on a mission to break into the acting business. Naomi, the most seasoned of the roommates, is the full package. Shes a sexy, confident, and an experienced talent on the verge of breaking through. Joe has the tools and the passion, but perhaps lacks the focus. And…
  • 高家宝(任达华 饰)虽然是整天不务正业的黑道小卒,但胸中却充满了正义感,为了帮好友李坤(梁家仁 饰)定罪,高家宝锒铛入狱,可对于他的义举,李坤并没有知恩图报,恰恰相反,在高家宝坐牢的年月里,李坤和高家宝的女友王佩佩(龚慈恩 饰)结婚了。  出狱后,在哥哥高家杰(张翼 饰)的帮助之下,高家宝开始经营起自己的唱片店,就在人生逐…